Tara Donovan

Wow. You have no idea just how many times I gasped out loud while flipping through these pictures.

I was curious about the artist, Tara Donovan, that Jason Wu described as his inspiration for his spring collection.

She is absolutely AMAZING.

Her whole thing is to take ordinary objects and to use them to create something that is art.
She was quoted as saying "It is not like I'm trying to simulate nature. It's more of a mimicking of the way of nature, the way things actually grow."

I think that's a very appropriate way to describe her work.

This piece is made out of paper plates:

This piece is made out of styrofoam cups:

This piece is made out of burnt paper:

This piece is made out of scotch tape:

This piece is made out of drinking straws:

These piece is made out of pencils:

This piece is made of buttons:



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