Technology in fashion

I've sort of become interested in how technology can be used in fashion.

LED Dresses:

This Airborne LED dress is made of thousands of crystals and over 15,000 flickering LED lights.

The Beat Dress was part of a project for a Fashion and Technology course at Malmö University in Sweden. The dress has 10 detachable patches, each with 10 LEDs that are controlled by a microphone and equalizer. When sound or music is detected, the LEDs light up to the beat.

Angel Chang's technological designs:

Her Fall 08 collection is absolutely amazing!!

This vest has built in electronic heating control.

This pair of pants can hook up to an MP3 player.

These are my favorite...

This dress and top are made out of heat sensitive material. It's printed with a map of world time zones.

"The wearer can play with her dress and touch the areas she wants to turn yellow -- indicating daytime in those regions while the rest of the map print remains dark as night".

The whole collection is amazing... You can see the video on her website: Angel Chang


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